If there’s one thing Emily Fera loves to do, it’s bring a smile to your face. Could she make you laugh? A little giggle, perhaps?
Well, it’s not a requirement. She can’t control your feelings.
Or can she?
Isn’t that what art does? Art can influence your emotions more than anything else at times. Think of your favorite song. Maybe it fills you with joy – maybe nostalgia. Think of a scene in a television show you really enjoy. Did it make you cry? Laugh? Did it make your blood boil with anger?
All of these emotions can be pulled forward, and to think it all started as some words on a page.
Emily Fera is a TFA Pioneer award-winning writer who strives to make people feel. She graduated from SUNY Buffalo State College with a B.F.A in Television and Film Arts with a minor in writing. The Television and Film Arts major is an interdisciplinary program that encompasses Writing, Communications, and Theater courses and only accepts 15 students per year.
She has written in a multitude of medium including, but not limited to, screenplays, teleplays, short stories, poetry, script coverage, as well as in a more analytical nature in the banking industry.